We rise and shine in this kingdom by light. Isaiah 60:1-2 Rom. 9:16, Ps 119:130. Light powers flight, so to rise as a Christian, you will need to place value on the word of God. John 8:31, To be God’s disciples, there is need to continue in the word. God’s disciples are disciplined people that sit with his word.
What are the treasures of the word?
1. Power for elevation: every time you are tired of your present status in any areas (mentally, financially, spiritually etc.), you can move it upwards by the word. Isaiah 60:1, Ezekiel 2:2, Revelation communicates the spirit of the word of God to you. John 6:63. Revelation is not meant to be for Pastors alone. Gal 2:2, Revelation always powers Elevation.
2. Impartation of wisdom: Every time you settle with the word, you come out wiser than when you went inside. Psalm 119:97-99. It is in meditation we encounter revelation. Prov. 2:6, 2Tim 3:15
3. It guarantees supernatural success: Jer 29:11, Jer 1:5, 1thess 5:24, Success starts by doing the word. Phil 2:13, James 1:22 Psalm 1:2-4, Luke 5:5, Failure cannot survive where the word is. The word is the game changer. Eze 31:3-4, water speaks about the word of God
4. It is the instrument for Freedom: Gods word is the instrument for freedom and deliverance. 1Cor 3:16, Luke 10:19,John 8:32, John 17:17, God’s word is the truth that helps make you enjoy freedom and deliverance . Psalm 107:20
God Bless you richly!
However, for the word to profit you the more, give your life to JESUS, join a bible believing church or get in touch with us via our counseling lines or email via the contacts on this site, for prayer and counseling