Time to Take Stock

Stocktaking is the secret to profitable living. Stocktaking helps to self-evaluate yourself. Progress is a product of reviews. To make motion and progress, you will need to take time off to review your past dealings and also realign yourself. Look away from people as an excuse for your failure. To blame others for your mistake…

Grace Celebration 2022

Hallelujah!!!Get set for ‘Boundless Possibilities’ at Grace Celebration 2022. Date: Wednesday, September 28 to Sunday, October 2nd, 2022. It Shall be an extraordinary season of Breakthrough, Miracles, Healing, Jubilation, and Outstanding Testimonies. We shall also be streaming live to all our social media pages, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @conquerorsng; and on this website. Do…

Prayer Protocol

There is order in everything God does. God doesn’t do things haphazardly. He does things in order. 1Cor 14:40. In like manner, there is an order or protocol to prayer. God created everything man needs first before creating man, he created the sea before creating the fish, he created d sky before the birds etc.…