A prayerless life is a fruitless life. Jer 33:3 states that God require us to call unto him by ourself, not contract prayer warriors or pastors.
Your new beginning is assured in God but it is waiting for your prayers. It is prayers that open new chapter in a believer’s life. A new beginning is not possible without prayer
Why do we pray:
1. To power up our destiny; Nobody knew the destiny of Jesus, until he prayed and the heavens opened. Luke 3:21, Jer 1:5. Also, note that, Destiny never finds expression until you engage in rigorous intercession. Mark 1:5, Luke 6:12, Jer 29:11-12
The quality of your prayer life is the quality of your destiny. Prayerlessness is the paralysis of destiny. Destiny cannot grow beyond your personal prayer life. 1Thess 5:17
2. To dislodge the enemy: 2cor 10:3, There is a warfare against your life whether you are aware or not. You loose ground to the enemy, every time you fail to pray
3. It enhances your spirituality: Through prayer, you get closer to the source of life.
Matt 4:4, prayer is like the breath of a Christian, 1 peter 4:4. You can’t live the Christian life without prayers. Isaiah 45:3
Your capacity is increased in the place of prayer. You don’t do prayers occasionally, but every time. Carnal things die in the place of prayer
4. To build confidence in God : Heb 10:35, your reward in God is in your confidence in him, but it is only those that are conversant with him that can build confidence in him.
It is with your conversation (Prayers) with him that helps you get conversant with him.
Prayer is a lifestyle not a religious activity, God wants people that would hold conversation with him on a present continuous basis.
God Bless you richly!
However, for the word to profit you the more, give your life to JESUS, join a bible believing church or get in touch with us via our counseling lines or email via the contacts on this site, for prayer and counseling