Salvation is an enlistment for warfare. Eph 6:10-12, 2 Tim 2:3, In our kingdom, there is no civilian living, this means every Christian should be battle ready always. If you must fare well in life, you must understand warfare.
God in ages past created angels and he appointed them arch angels. Only Archangels stand before God. The Scripture recorded these Archangels viz:
Archangel Gabriel Daniel 8:16, Luke 1:19,
Archangel Michael 10:13, Jude 1:9
Archangel Lucifer. Isaiah 14:12, Lucifer was the worship angel or leader in heaven.
However, one of them decided to engage in a coup. Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-14. So Lucifer fought with one third of angels in heaven, and Michael put up a fight. Rev 12:8-9
Lucifer’s anger was the fact that God created man and that, eventually angels would bow to man, so he fought to resist this and he was cast down and he became Satan together with all the angels that backed him, they now became demons.
So where is Satan Domiciled/Situated?
Just as God has a place in heaven. Eph 6:12, So there are more than one heavens, Gen 2:1, So Satan dwells in high places (by implications in one of the heavens. Eph 4:10. 2cor 12:2-4
Thus, we have the first heavens (The atmosphere), the second heaven which is termed cosmic heaven/space beyond the atmosphere amongst the Star, where Satan governs from with his demons using stars and horoscopes to control people, and Then thirdly, the highest heavens where God’s throne dwells
2 Cor 10:3-5 shows that the battle ground where Satan fights man is the mind. 2 Cor 4:4. The access of the devil in your life is your mind. So your victory begins by the renewing of your mind. The battle of the devil for every believer is in the mind
The Basis of our victory in this warfare can be gleaned from 1 Cor. 15:57, Colossians 2:13-15 which indicates that Jesus has won the victory for us.
The weapons of our warfare (Eph 6:13 -18)
1. Truth is what guard anyone in spiritual warfare. Eph 6:14. Run from whatever is not true, because Satan dwells in any life where there is falsehood, cos Satan is the father of all lies. Also ensure to advocate what is the truth of the word of God. John 17:17
2. Righteousness: Eph 6:14, your righteousness protects you from the enemies in the day of battle. Righteousness is not just about right standing with God, it also entails right doing. 1John 3:7
3. Shield of faith: Eph 6:16
God Bless you richly!
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