God created you for destiny. Jeremiah 1:5; God’s desire is to see you fulfill your purpose and destiny, but you also have a responsibility on following God’s plan for you so you can fulfill this purpose or destiny God has for you’ However, on your journey to destiny fulfillment, there are hindrance that you must be wary of.
What are the killers of destiny?
1. Distraction: This generation is the most distracted generation unfortunately, but we must be determined to work out our destiny now while we are alive. John 9:4,
Distraction simply means lack of Focus. There is greatness in your inside, but if you lack focus, you are programmed for failure. Prov. 4:25, 1King 20:49-40, Matt 6:22. Set your face like a flint on the destiny God has purposed for you. Isaiah 50:7
How to avoid Distraction:
a. Keep your eyes on the vision
b. Protect your attention. Prov. 4:23
c. Keep the right people around you.
2. Negative Attitude: People go through life either limping, walking, running or flying. The difference is in the attitude.
Attitudes determine altitude. Attitudes means preconceived notions on how you will react when something happens. It is your pattern of thinking. Your manner of response to situations. Phil 2:5(NLT)
Positive attitude sees the good in people while negative attitude always see the bad in others
Some Examples of Bad attitude are:
-worry: Phil 4:6(NLT)
-Self pity
-Pessimism: Prov 23:4
-Anger: Eccl 7:9
3. Procrastination: is an act of willful delay on what you are supposed to do. It is the thief of time and a robber of destiny. Eccl 11:4(NLT)
Causes of Procrastination:
a. Laziness and slothfulness: Rom 12:11, Prov 13:4 (NLT)
b. Fear: Matt 14:30, 2Tim 1:7
C. Doubt and Uncertainty: James 1:8
Effects of Procrastination:
a) The reduction of impact duration or destiny fulfillment
b) The risk of totally missing out in destiny.
c) The destiny journey becomes tiresome.
d) Your contemporaries would be ahead of you and you will be learning from them
How to overcome procrastination:
a) Take immediate and quick response to destiny call: John 2:5, Gen 12:4, Abraham departed immediately
b) Make a to-do list and follow it up
4. Ignorance: Jer. 1:5, what you have been called to do is already written. Ignorance means walking in darkness. Hosea 4:6
How to avoid walking in darkness
a) Diligence study of the word. 2Tim 2:15, Psalm 119:130
b) Consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit. John 16:13, Prov. 18:1
c) Fellowship with mature brethren. Prov. 27:17, Submit yourself to tutoring. For you to be a good leader, you must be a good follower
God Bless you richly!
However, for the word to profit you the more, give your life to JESUS, join a bible believing church or get in touch with us via our counseling lines or email via the contacts on this site, for prayer and counseling