Your showing forth begins the day you step into destiny.
You are on earth for a mission. You are sent as an agent by God for a specific purpose. Jer 29:11, Jer 1:5. Destiny is the reason for your existence. The best of you cannot show forth, until you are on the Path of destiny. Psalm 16:11.
What are the Forces that Powers Destiny?
1. The force of Discipline: Discipline is a fundamental demand of destiny. Discipline is doing what needs to be done when you don’t feel like doing it. Heb. 12:16-17.
It takes great discipline to have a great destiny. 1cor 9:26-37
The birthright of Esau was lost because he couldn’t control his appetite. Gen 25:31-32. Gen 39:9
It is important to know that, until you conquer your body, you can’t conquer anything. Don’t give your body everything it wants. The body or the flesh is always contradictory to righteousness. Self-indulgence often leads to self-destruction. Samson in the Bible is an example.
If you are going to be great, you require great discipline
2. Diligence: You can’t become great because God said so. Every destiny requires a lot of work. John 9:4. Only the diligent finds fulfillment in life. You can never have worth without work. Without hard work you experience hard life. Prov. 22:29
Any business you are doing that does not task you mentally, have a rethink because many destiny has ended because of insolence. Eccl 10:18, your destiny decays if you don’t work.
Any call of destiny has a work scheduled for it to be fulfilled. For your talent to have visibility, you need to have discipline and diligence.
3. Sacrifice: Every destiny would always demand a sacrifice from you. What are you ready to give up or laid down for your destiny? Are you ready to sacrifice your comfort? Pursuit of Destiny will make you uncomfortable. Are you ready to leave your comfort zone? The truth is that, you can’t have it conveniently and expect to be great. Rom 12:1
You can’t eat your cake and have it. You have to let go and let God have his way. Heb. 11:25. Destiny and Comfort don’t work together. 1Cor 15:31
4. Persistence: Destiny is not a day’s journey, but it’s a journey that you must engage in, daily. The journey of destiny doesn’t start or speak in the first day, but you must be persistent and continue daily before you can see results ultimately. Habakkuk 2:3. Gal 6:9. If it doesn’t show now, it would show later. Just keep at it. 1Cor 15:58
(Rev. Duro Aina’s teaching)
God Bless you richly!
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