Money is not the blessing. The blessing is different from riches. Riches are simply by-product of the blessings.

Some people feel blessed because they have a car, but this is just the effect of the blessing and not the substance. The effect may come and go, but the substance remains, which then imply that if you lose the effect, you can always have it back, because you have the substance (The Blessing).

The effect of the Blessing can be likened to the shadow of a man; just like the shadow is not the real man, so also the effect is not the Blessing (the substance).


The blessing is an endowed power for prosperity and success. A sign of special favour intended for success and prosperity. The blessing is an empowerment.

The flip side of the blessing is the CURSE and that’s what most people are familiar with.

As people stay away from someone they perceived CURSED, in the same manner, People are attracted to a BLESSED man.

When you are blessed, whatsoever you do begins to prosper, wherever you find yourself, you also become a success. Psalm 1:1-3

The Blessing is ability from God added to you. It is the super of God added to your natural to make you Supernatural .Deut 8:18

The blessing is the game changer. Gen 12:1-3, Gen 23:2, Gen 17:15-16, Gen 26:1-3&12, Galatian 3:14-14


1. Supernatural Enrichment: The blessing of God is the mother of true prosperity. Prov. 10:22, Deut 8:18. When you are blessed, you are empowered to be rich . Gen 13:1-3, Gen 13:2.

The blessing is an attraction. You can’t be blessed and be financially dry. The blessing gives you idea on what to do legitimately to make money. Gen 26:1

2. Divine Promotion: God’s blessing takes a man up. Psalm 3:1-3. Gen 39:1


1. Walk in the spirit: The blessing of God is spiritual in nature and spiritual in location. The carnal Christian cannot access it. Eph. 1:3.

John 6;63, when you live your life based on the word of God, you are walking in the spirit and it is in that realm, the blessing exist. Col 2:15.

Gal 5:19-21, all this sins listed here exist when you don’t allow the word of God dwell in you which will consequently disallow you to walk in the spirit. To walk in the spirit is simply to walk in the word

2. Living a life of obedience:  A lifestyle of obedience is a guarantee for the blessing. Deut 28:1-2. Heaven’s abundance is reserved for the obedient.

Facts about obedience

  1. True obedience must be complete: You must obey completely God’s instructions to be counted obedient.  2cor 10:6
  2.  Your obedience must be swift: Delayed obedience can lead to destruction.


(Rev. Duro Aina’s teaching)

God Bless you richly!

However, for the word to profit you the more, give your life to JESUS, join a bible believing church or get in touch with us via our counseling lines or email via the contacts on this site, for prayer and counseling